Make your reservations for Easter Brunch today! Located on the 17th floor of 200 Crescent Court, The Crescent Club is a private dining club that offers a bar, main dining room, rotisserie and private dining salons for members and hotel guests. Private memberships to The Spa at The Crescent are available including access our Spa at The Crescent facilities, complimentary group fitness classes and access to the outdoor pool. Contact the Club for details. Resort Passes. While it's not a country club, Dallas National Golf Club was ranked best overall golf club by the magazine . Senior: $1185. This is a good way to get a feel for how Crescent operates and to meet current members. Location: 17th Floor of the Crescent Office Towers, Lunch Make your reservations for Easter Brunch today! You can upgrade to any of the Platinum membership types below & commit to just 90 days at a time! . FOR PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES, CALL MONICA SO AT 214.953.4387 OR EMAIL MONICA.SO@CRESCENTCOURT.COM. Select Platinum Members will receive all of benefits above and additional monthly gifts and or services. For more information, visit Experience Fine Dining Dinner Menu Details Telephone: 214.953.4343 Location: 17th Floor of the Crescent Office Towers Make a Reservation Feb 28, 2023 7:00 PM 2 people Hours *Hours are subject to change at anytime. All Rights Reserved. by Crescent Club Powered by Northstar Technologies, Inc. Click here to contact usand find out more. The Fitness Center is reserved for guests 16 and older. //
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